Publications Of Dr Maria Luca
Chapters In Books
Journal – Editor in Chief & Founder
Refereed Academic & Clinical papers
Other Publications
Papers given at Professional Conferences
Editorial / Book / Journal Reviewer / Book Endorsements
Chapters In Books
- Luca, M. (2004). Introduction – Reflections on the therapeutic frame. In Maria Luca (editor), The Therapeutic Frame in the Clinical Context – Integrative Perspectives’. London: Brunner-Routledge.
- Luca, M. (2004). Boundary Issues in Psychotherapy: from the literal to the figurative frame. In Maria Luca (editor), The Therapeutic Frame in the Clinical Context – Integrative Perspectives’ London: Brunner-Routledge.
- Luca, M. (2009) ‘A Therapist’s Portrait of a Clinical Encounter with a Somatizer’.In Relational Centred Research for Psychotherapists: Exploring Meanings and Experience. Editors: Linda Finlay and Ken Evans. London: Blackwells.
- Luca, M. (2014). Editorial Introduction: An encounter with erotic desire in therapy.In M. Luca (Editor). Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide for Training and Practice. London: Wiley.
- Luca, M. (2014). Epilogue: Meta-Reflections on Sexual Attraction. In M. Luca (Editor). Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide for Training and Practice. London: Wiley.
- Luca, M. & Soskice, J. (2014). Why Can’t we be Lovers? The Love-Obsessed Clients who Stalk their Therapist. In M. Luca (Editor). Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide for Training and Practice. London: Wiley.
- Luca, M. & Boyden, M. (2014). An Elephant in the Room: A Grounded Theory of Experienced Psychotherapists’ Reactions & Attitudes to Sexual Attraction. In Luca (Editor). Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide for Training and Practice. London: Wiley.
- Luca, M. (2015) A Clinical Profile of Somatisation- Why are you Wearing a Woolly Hat on a Hot Summer Day? – A Grounded Theory Study. Conference Proceedings of Katedra Psychologie, pp. 50-66. ISBN: 978-80-244-4411-6.
- Luca, M. (2015). The role of the therapist in helping university students who have been bullied: a case study of sexual bullying. In Helen Cowie and Carrie-Anne Myers (eds.) Bullying Among University Students. London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Luca, M. (2015) A Clinical Profile of Somatisation- Why are you Wearing a Woolly Hat on a Hot Summer Day? – A Grounded Theory Study. Conference Proceedings of Katedra Psychologie, pp. 50-66. ISBN: 978-80-244-4411-6.
- Luca, M. (2017). The bullied child in the vulnerable adult: Therapeutic work with adults bullied in childhood. In Helen Cowie and Carrie-Anne Myers (eds.) Bullying in Schools: Intervention and Prevention. London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Journal – Editor in Chief & Founder
- Journal of Psychological Therapies January 2016.
- Luca, M., Marshall, C. & Nuttall, J. (2019). Integrative theory and practice in psychological therapies– New Directions. London: Open University Press. August 2019. ISBN: 978-0-3352-6248-9
- Luca, M.(ed) (2014) Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo – A Guide for Training and Practice London: Wiley.
- Luca, M. (Ed) (2004) ‘The Therapeutic Frame in the Clinical Context – Integrative Perspectives’ London:BrunnerRoutledge.
Refereed Academic & Clinical papers
- Luca, M. and Andreou, A. (2019). Integrative therapists’ subjective experiences and understanding of emotional connection in their practice. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 9, 72-87. ISSN: 1756-7599
- Lubner, K. and Luca, M. (2019). A case study of a psychotherapist’s narrative account of significant relationship breakdown and the perceived impact on his clinical work. Journal of Psychological Therapies, 4 (1), 43-58. ISSN 2054-457X.
- Luca, M. (2019). Bodily distress, and inter-generational transmission of trauma – A Case study. EC, PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 8(3), 231-239.
- Luca, M. (2018). Being seduced: Trainee therapists’ reactions to and handling of client sexual attraction in therapy. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 8: pp. 23-33. ISSN: 1756-7599
- Luca, M. (2018). The Face of Trauma in Therapeutic Work with a Refugee. EC PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 7(11), 843-852.
- Luca, M. (2017). Understanding and handling sexual desire in therapy – a relational, integrative perspective. The British Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 13, 37-45. ISSN 1759-0000.
- Luca, M. (2017). Inter-generational transmission of trauma through attachment, manifested in bodily distress – A Case study. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections. 2(2), 23-30. ISSN 2054-457X.
- Torren, M. and Luca, M. (2017). The Persecutory Character of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Grounded Theory Analysis of the Lived Experience of IBS Sufferers. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections. 2 (2), 39-52. ISSN 2054-457X.
- Luca, M. (2016). Clinical Supervisors’ Handling of Sexual Attraction in the work of Therapists they Supervise. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections, 2(1). January 2017.
- Luca, M. (2016). Embodied, Constructivist, Grounded Theory. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections, 1(1): 11-18.
- Luca, M. (2016). Trainee therapists’ moralistic reactions and defensive handling of client sexual attraction in therapy. Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections, 1(1): 27-34.
- Lečbych, M., Kolarik, Luca, M., & Markovic, D. (2016). How Czech supervisors engage in the supervisory process on sexual attraction and strategies used to supervise sexual attraction in the work of supervisees. Accepted for publication in Polish Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Luca, M., and Filippopoulos, P. (2013). Motivational and Adaptation Experiences of Returnees and Migrants to Cyprus: A Grounded Theory Study with Counselling Psychology Application and Practice Implications in Europe. European Journal of Counselling Psychology, Vol 2 (2), 9-27.
- Luca, M. (2011) Therapeutic activities and psychological interventions by CBT and psychodynamic therapists working with medically unexplained symptoms: A qualitative study. In Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal (BACP), Published by Routledge.
- Luca, M. (2010) A qualitative study of psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapists’ conceptualizations of medically unexplained symptoms in their clients. In Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 11(4), 291-299.
- Luca, M. (2009) Embodied Research and Grounded Theory. University of Wales: UK.
- Luca, M. (2003) Containment of the Sexualized and Erotized Transference, Journal Of Clinical Psychoanalysis, 11(4). 649-662.
- Luca-Stolkin, M. (2000) ‘Surviving Terror in the Clinical Encounter’. In The Psychotherapy Review, 2 (11).
- Luca-Stolkin, M. (2000) ‘The Unsayable in Hysteria’. In The Psychotherapy Review, Vol. 2 (2).
Other Publications
- Luca, M. (2015). Understanding and Handling Sexual Desire in Therapy. The Psychotherapist. The Magazine of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. Issue 60. Summer 2015.
- Luca, M. (2015). A Global World With Global Problems: Sexual bullying among young people and how psychotherapy can help. Global Woman Magazine. June 2015.
- Luca, M. (2014). The Story Behind My Success. Migrant Woman Magazine. Issue No. 3 / June 6, 2014
- Luca, M. (2013). GUEST EDITORIAL The value of Grounded Theory in researching psychological and nursing Practices. Ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence Issue 4. April 2013. ISSN 1804-2740.
Papers given at Professional Conferences
- Holroyd, J. & Luca, M. (2019). Psychotherapy with clients with addiction(s): a grounded theory study of effective theory therapeutic approaches. Annual Conference of the Regent’s Centre for Relational Studies and Psychological Well-Being.
- Torren, M. & Luca, M. (2017). The persecutory character of irritable bowel syndrome. Annual conference Reflections Research Centre. 10 June 2017.
- Luca, M. (2017). Sexual Attraction in Therapy. UKAPI conference, 4 February 2017.
- Luca, M. (2016).(October). Supervisors’ Handling of Sexual Attraction in the Work of Therapists they Supervise. Oxford Society of Psychotherapy. Oxford University.
- Luca, M. (2016). Supervisors’ Handling of Sexual Attraction in the Work of Therapists they Supervise. Keynote speaker. January 2016. International Conference on Counselling Psychotherapy and Wellness, Christ University, Bangalore, India.
- Luca, M. (2015). Sexual bullying among young people and how psychotherapy can help. Conference: “Tensions in Handling Sexuality and Sexual Attraction in the Consulting Room”- Multi-modality perspectives. June 13, 2015. Regents University London.
- Luca, M. (2015). Inspiring Migrant Women Conference. Organised by the Migrant Woman Magazine. London, Waldorf Hotel, Aldwych, 2 May 2015.
- Luca, M. (2015). The role of the therapist in helping university students who have been bullied: a case study of sexual bullying. Lisbon University. The European Network for Social and Emotional Competence (ENSEC). 1-4 July 2015. Symposium.
- Luca, M. (2013). The moral propensity of trainee counselling psychologists and psychotherapists to sexual attraction in their work: A Grounded Theory Study. Sept. 2013, Society for Psychotherapy Research. Oxford University.
- Luca, M. (2013). ‘Motivation and adaptation experiences of returnees and migrants to Cyprus: a grounded theory study with counselling psychology application and practice implications in Europe’. Migration Journeys conference. Regent’s University London.
- Luca, M. (2013). ’Researching psychotherapy and counselling psychology’ Trainee Counselling Psychologists’ & Psychotherapists’ attitudes & reactions to sexual attraction in therapy: A grounded theory study, Palacky University, Czech Republic.
- Luca, M. (2013). ‘Therapeutic activities and psychological interventions by cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic therapists working with medically unexplained symptoms: A qualitative study’. Palacky University, Czech Republic.
- Luca, M. (2013). ‘Embodied Research and Grounded Theory’. Palacky University, Czech Republic.
- Luca, M. (2012). ‘Research at the Reflection’s Research Centre’. Regent’s College Affiliates event, January 2012.
- Luca, M. (2011). Client use of psychotherapy: Are there identifiable client groups? International conference. Society for Psychotherapy Research. Bern, Switzerland.
- Luca, M. (2011). The Lived experience of migrants and returnees.– 15th – 17th June 2011 – Bratislava, Slovakia. European Grundtvig migrant project.
- Luca, M. (2011). European Migrants to Cyprus: A grounded theory study. European Grundtvig migrant project.– 11th – 13th May 2011 – Greece.
- Luca, M. (2011). Anti-oppressive practices in counselling and employment services. Cyprus Ministry of Employment. April, 2011.
- Luca, M. (2011). European Migrants to Cyprus: A grounded theory study . European Grundtvig migrant project. 2nd, 3rd, 4th February 2011 – Prague.
- Luca, M.and Dawson, K. (2010). D Level research supervision and examining. 16-17 December 2010 – Regent’s College. December 2010.
- Luca, M. (2010). ‘A Case Study of the Effect of Alexithymia on Relational Depth in Psychotherapy’ 41st International Conference (7 days) by the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Panel presenter. Asilomar, California. June 2010.
- Luca, M. (2010). ‘the Future of Psychotherapy Trainings in Europe’. European Conference – Paper presenter at the Sigmund Freud University of Vienna on. March 2010.
- Luca, M. (2009). ‘Embodied supervision of psychology and psychotherapy’. Paper presenter. Organised by the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy and Counselling. June 2009.
- Luca, M. (2009). ‘Leadership Styles and Effective Communication’. For Senior ranks at the Cyprus Police Academy. Workshop, April 2009.
- Luca, M. (2009). Grounded Theory as a qualitative Research Method.Staff at Regent’s College. Januray 2009.
- Luca, M. (2007). Grounded Theory as a qualitative Research Method.Staff at Regent’s College. September 2007.
- Luca, M. (2007). ‘Embodied, reflexive research’. For staff and students of all schools at Regent’s College. May 2007.
- Luca, M. (2006). The use of Grounded Theory to research conceptualisations and clinical practices of Cognitive Behavioural and Psychodynamic Therapists. International Research Conference (7 days) held at the University of Edinburgh and organised by the Society for Psychotherapy Research. June 2006.
- Luca, M. (2004). ‘Boundary Issues and the Therapeutic Frame’ in Psychotherapy’, Lecture for ‘The Society for Existential Analysis’, London, The Tavistock Centre. November 2004.
- Luca, M. (2003). ‘The Effects of Feminism on the Psychological Lives of men, women & Children’. (Editor) Jenny Murray. BBC Radio 4 ‘Woman’s Hour’ 7/10/03. Participated in questions.
- Luca, M. (2003). ‘Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’ KEK Pasteur, Thessaloniki, Greece. Gave a week’s lectures to students and medical Staff on strategies in handling interactions with patients/clients who are traumatised. April 2003.
- Luca, M. (2000). ‘Supervision Masterclass’ Joint clinical presentation with Professor Peter
- Fonagy (Chair of the Freud Museum), at the Tavistock Centre, as part of a series by Confer. June 2000.
- Luca, M. (2000). ‘Managing Money in the Therapeutic Relationship’. Paper presented at The Tavistock Centre, as part of the clinical series by Confer. May 2000.
- Luca, M. (2000). ‘Surviving Terror in the Clinical Encounter’, Paper presented at the Tavistock Centre as part of the clinical series by Confer. January 2000.
- Luca, M. (1995). ‘The Sexual Identity of Greek-Cypriot Women’, conference, North London University. July 1995.
- Luca, M. (1994). ‘Starting a Professional Practice’ and ‘Existential Facilitation Styles’, Paper presenter, conference, City University. September 1994.
- Luca, M. (1989). ‘Black and Ethnic Minority Mental Health’, Paper presented at a conference organised by the London Borough of Islington. (Local Government). February 1989.
- Luca, M. (1989).‘Identity of Greek-Cypriot Children and the impact of divorce on the family’. Speaker on London Greek Radio. March 1989.
- Luca, M. (1998). ‘The Mental Health of Cypriots’, Paper presented at a clinical series organised by Chase Farm Hospital. November 1988.
Editorial / Book / Journal Reviewer / Book Endorsements
- January 2020 – Reviewer, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation (American Psychological Association).
- May 2019 – Reviewer, Psychotherapy (American Psychological Association).
- July 2018 – Member, Editorial Board, European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy.
- June 2018 – Member, Editorial Board, Psychology and its contexts. Open Access.
- Feb 2018 – Member, Editorial Board, EC Psychology and Psychiatry. Open Access.
- Dec 2017 – Member, Editorial Board, Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia.
- Sept 2017 – Member, Editorial Board, British Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
- May 2017 – Consulting Editor, British Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
- Dec 2016 – Journal peer reviewer: Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia (PACJA).
- Jan 2015 – Founder and Editor of Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology Reflections.
- 2013 – Endorsed book by John McLeod (2013). An Introduction to Counselling (5th Edition). London: McGraw Hill.
- 2013 – Endorsed book by Betty Rudd (2013). Introducing Psychopathology. London: Sage.
- Dec 2012 – Article Reviewer – Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. (Peer reviewed journal).
- Oct 2013 – Article Reviewer – Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. (Peer reviewed journal).
- 2012 – Book reviewer, Sage publishers.
- 1999 – 2002 Book Reviews Editor, European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling & Health. Published by Routledge.
- 2004 – Book Proposer/Reviewer for the Open University Press.
- 2010 – Guest reviewer for The European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling. Published by Routledge.